Veterinarian Tips For Your Healthy Senior Dog

Jun 18, 2022

Nutrition is a key component of Your Healthy Senior Dog's healthy aging. The proper diet can help minimize the signs of aging, but it's important to choose the right food and supplementations. A proper diet can extend your dog's life and reduce the signs of growing older. To help your dog age gracefully, consider the following senior nutrition tips. It's important to give your pet quality time and lots of affection, but avoid giving treats or food that is too hard on its teeth.

A senior dog's kidneys begin to decline as they age. There are no cures for chronic kidney disease, but proper treatment can help prolong a dog's life and improve its quality of life. Regular blood work for senior pets can detect kidney disease in its early stages. Proper nutrition is important for the health of the kidneys and should be provided by your veterinarian. If you have any questions about proper nutrition for senior dogs, consult your veterinarian.

A head-to-tail checkup is another way to ensure your senior dog's health. Head-to-tail examination involves touching all parts of your pet's body, from the tip of its ears to its tail. During this checkup, look for any lumps, burrs, and parasites. These changes in your pet's body are indicative of an underlying problem, and you can intervene to prevent it before it gets worse.

Exercises that increase range-of-motion are particularly helpful. This keeps joint fluid from becoming sticky and makes moving easier for your dog. To help your dog maintain range of motion, gently extend his front or back leg five times, then turn him over to work the other side. Make sure your dog has an adequate light source for this activity. Your Healthy Senior Dog deserves all the care and attention it needs to live a long and happy life.

The elderly dog can suffer from arthritis, which can cause stiffness, difficulty getting up, and decreased ability to jump. Affected joints are painful, and a daily massage will help keep them flexible and supple. You can also give your dog fish oil pills for joint health. Your Healthy Senior Dog may need to be on a joint supplement to keep them from deteriorating. The right supplements can also help prevent osteoarthritis in their joints.

Exercise is important for your dog's physical and mental health. Your pup should be regularly exercised for at least an hour a day. However, keep in mind that some types of exercise are inappropriate for your dog. Certain breeds, such as sighthounds, aren't built for prolonged strenuous exercise. Also, check with your veterinarian to determine if your dog is suffering from any diseases that limit physical activity. He can also rule out other health conditions that may limit your pet's exercise, including heart problems and neurological conditions. Always start slowly and gradually increase your dog's activity level until it feels comfortable.

Puppy food isn't suitable for senior dogs. Puppy food is formulated to meet the needs of growing puppies, so its nutritional content is different. Senior dogs need more fiber and other foods that promote regularity. Puppy food's high fat content can upset your dog's digestive system, causing him or her to develop diarrhea and intestinal discomfort. Constant soft stool may also cause new health complications. However, this is unlikely with the proper senior diet.