When Should You Contact an Estate Attorney?

Jun 25, 2022

The first step in contacting an estate attorney is to interview several candidates. Choose one that fits your needs best. Ask to see an engagement letter, which details the legal engagement, the scope of the work, and attorney fees. In addition to helping you develop your estate plan, attorneys help you negotiate important legal and financial issues. A close, personal relationship between client and attorney is key to the estate planning process. To find the best lawyer for you, interview several candidates, then select one who offers the best value and services.

Identifying the goals of your estate planning is crucial to determining whether you need the services of an estate attorney. After all, your goals will determine whether you need a lawyer who specializes in your specific area. For example, if your estate is simple, you may only need a will drafted. But if you are looking to write a complex document, you will need an estate planning attorney with a specialty in that field.

You may also need an estate planning attorney if you own a business and wish to pass it on to your partners. A business succession plan is tricky to create and may involve foreign or out-of-state assets. A good attorney can help you navigate these nuances so that your assets are appropriately distributed. It is also essential to consult with a financial planner to protect your assets and maximize your legacy. You can use a free tool from SmartAsset to find a financial advisor.

When Should You Contact an Estate Attorney? If your estate is complex and a large sum of money, you should consider a simplified probate process. Some states allow estates worth less than a few hundred thousand dollars to use simpler procedures. Regardless of the state law, it's still important to consult an estate attorney to manage estate assets. It takes experience to appraise assets and sell them. An estate attorney can help you make the best decision for your loved ones.

Will contests are another common estate law issue. Family members or domestic partners can contest a will. Estate lawyers can help resolve these disputes and protect the rights of the beneficiaries. Will contests can dissipate assets. If you or a loved one is the named executor or administrator, an estate attorney can help you protect your interests. Your New York estate attorney can also help you locate heirs, find and manage assets, and handle other legal issues related to the estate.

When Should You Contact an Estate Attorney? Estate planning is an emotional and legal process that requires thoughtful consideration. A trusted estate attorney will listen to your needs and explore your options. Estate planning is never too early to begin. There is no better time than now to make your estate plan. Make sure you protect your future and your family. If you're not sure how to start your estate planning, contact an estate attorney today. Your family will thank you later!